I’m obsessed with my daughter. It’s such a weird world we live in nowadays I’m not sure if we’re “supposed” to enjoy being a mom anymore. If you do- then you certainly shouldn’t talk about it too much because then you are mom-shaming others that are realistically exhausted as a mother.
Except I’m also totally exhausted. 4 hours of consecutive sleep is miracle when/if that happens. And it’s not like I’m trying to hide that either. I’m clearly challenged, frustrated, and exhausted in my motherhood.
I’m just also completely infatuated and wrapped around my little girl’s tiny little pinky finger. And (not that I even need to say this but I will anyway) none of these thoughts change the fact that we’re good moms and good people.
My favorite comedian talks about how annoying it is that we have to preface anything we say with “i love my kids” and it’s unnecessary. We all love our kids. It’s sad that as women we feel the need to clarify that before venting or sharing anything other than rainbows and unicorns. On the flip side, I’m so gushing with joy I’m sure that can be annoying.
I’m a woman possessed. I spent 80% of my time talking about my daughter and the other 20% I’m praying that someone else will bring her up so I can talk about her more.
I don’t mind my obsession though. I am conscious of it in my daily life because I feel like pre-mom me wouldn’t have been interested in hearing about anyone’s kid. Hearing about anything in excess can be annoying.
Overall though, I’m not ashamed to say that my brain and heart are totally consumed by this precious little creature.
God blessed my husband and me with this miracle baby. She’s our first (hopefully not last) child. She’s only 9 months old and I’m doing my best to savor every moment.
I was never a “kid-person” before her and I definitely thought some parents were silly for constantly being excited about their child’s every little move.
Now I get it. I get it so much that I laugh at myself-mesmerized by her very normal milestones. It is incredible what little personalities they already start to show so early on though too. I’m not positive but I don’t think that EVERY baby enjoys doing their little side-lying pose as much as mine or loves lobsters babe pickles as much as mine.
It’s gotten to the point where i have to consciously relax my jaw when I’m holding/near her because my cute aggression is so bad.
What is cute aggression? I had never heard of it before even though I’ve certainly been cursed with it all my life. My teeth hurt when my doggo was a puppy. My teeth hurt exponentially worse now.
I googled “teeth hurt when looking at baby” and found out that my clenching and wanting to squeeze is called cute aggression. Apparently a dad on Reddit has it so bad he has an urge to punch his baby boy when he makes that adorable big friend face.
Basically, we’re psychopaths. And I’m okay with that.
I have several pictures of her little hand on my nose when she’s in my arms. Her little hand just keeps getting bigger and bigger it may as well reach into my chest and rip my heart out. One day I just looked at my husband and said “OH NO ITS GONE.” Because the newborn smell that once lingered on the inside of her hand finally wore off.
My husband says this is why people have more than one child. Specifically “people” because we’re both still on the fence about having another one.
I mean, I’d love another kid but I also feel like I don’t have enough time in the day to soak up every moment with her so I can’t imagine splitting my attention between two little miracles. I also don’t feel financially secure enough to bring another little one into the world just yet. I guess being unemployed doesn’t really help with that-but I’m working on that.
I’m so grateful to have my daughter and I’m going to enjoy being obsessive while it’s not that weird.