I don’t vote because I’m a people-pleaser and if i vote I’m definitely going to ostracize myself from a large group of people. LOL PSYCH.
I don’t vote because I choose not to actively participate in that toxic reality show.
To me, American politics are our worst reality show-the most convoluted plots, the most false advertising, and the least enriching for our lives.
I’ve heard the “if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain” argument and I’m for it. I don’t want to complain. I don’t want to play the blame game. I don’t want to fill my life with that toxicity.
“It’s your duty to vote as a citizen.” Oops. Fire me.
“Every vote counts.” Does it though? The amount voter fraud that happens and with this electoral college rationale, I’m not too sure I believe it.
“You have a daughter, think about her.” I do think about her. Constantly. I’d rather not bring that stress and drama into our home.
I think it’s honorable that I don’t vote because I’m ignorant. I don’t listen to politics, I don’t read up on people’s (ever-changing) policies or beliefs, and I think it would be wrong of me to say that I whole-heartedly support someone/something that I don’t know much about.
Saying I don’t vote doesn’t mean that I never will. I think one day I might actually educate myself on the local elections and take my time to vote on those matters/people.
The presidential election is cringier than the Americas Got Talent or American Idol. At least on those shows you’ve got a small window into authenticity though.
I actually watched a presidential debate this past year for entertainment purposes. I teased about making a drinking game out of the number of times fear was trying to be programmed into the average American mind or the word “billions” or “millions”was used. I would’ve had to get my stomach pumped.
Our system is busted and our players deserve Oscar’s. I say let’s start fresh. No more extreme political parties. No more age minimums without age maximums. No more advertising expertise like the pharmaceutical companies. If we start fresh, I’d reconsider.
We’ve all become guilty by association.
If you believe in tax breaks, you’re also racist.
If you care about minorities, you’re also taking away our constitutional rights.
I’m a libertarian-if you have to label me anything-which means if I vote for my party’s candidate in the presidential election it’s a wasted vote anyway.
Stay out of my uterus, stay out of my gun closet, stop telling me what i or my neighbor can or cannot do.
God gave us free will for a reason. Sure, there needs to be some laws otherwise we wouldn’t have a functioning society but a lot of laws are too personal and don’t have much to do with our society anyway.
The war on drugs didn’t help crime decrease. If someone wants to have a beer, or a hit, or a line or whatever of whatever they please-that’s their business IMO. Intent to sell is a separate issue.
If you want to get paid to get laid that should be up to you too. We’re okay with porn and onlyfans but behind closed doors with 2 consenting adults it becomes a problem? I don’t want to hear the sex trafficking argument because if you do your research legalized prostitution allows for more protections for sex workers and a huge decrease in trafficking.
At the end of the day, I could talk policy over politics but the minute you trust our Real World Politicians to run with your policies, they turn it into some incestuous self-serving money-making scheme.
I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means but I’m not the first generation to admit this political climate has been wreaking like bullpoo for quite sometime.
As far as the presidency goes, growing up I was always taught that he/she is a bobble head. A beautiful beacon of hope and symbolism for liberty-and rash behavior halted by our carefully created systems of checks and balances. Lately our presidents have not even been that good looking. Well we can give President Obama some points for good looks. But when did the president determine the fate of our country? Sure he has some power, but if you have faith you know he doesn’t have that much power. And if you believe in our system, you have to affirm the fact that he’s not a dictator-just a bobble head.
Happy Inauguration Day to those that are happy and happy Inauguration Day to those who are happier that we’re one step closer to the end of this presidency and happy Monday to the people like me, that choose to enjoy their lives separate from the political drama.
Where your attention goes, energy flows which is why I focus on joy, food, learning, community, love, God, music, hobbies, and family. If you try to talk politics with me, you’ll be severely disappointed. If you focus on all the things you wish to see more of in the world, then you may manifest them without even needing to vote. But I guess then you wouldn’t get your sticker.